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2017-2018 Letter from the Editor

There are a multitude of people I need to thank, but Raina Harmon deserves a grand prize. This sophomore beautiful crafted not only the cover of the 2017-2018 Silsbee High School Focus Magazine but the inside border as well. Raina, thank you so much for your blessed talent; you truly have a gift and I hope you pursue your passion in the future. Mr. Paul Trevino - thank you for allowing us to be a club. Your active encouragement to involve the students and positively represent Silsbee helps our club succeed in our mission. Dr. Mary Wilson, thank you so much for being my sponsor and for working with me this past year. We have spent a lot of time together decorating bulletin boards, printing flyers, discussing Focus matters during lunch, and so much more. I greatly appreciate you taking on the club, and wish you the best in the future. (Also, thank you for not being mad at me calling you "Ms. Dr. Wilson" all year long. Sarah Murline Harper... Despite being extremely busy at the University of Austin, you have graciously helped me master my first year as Senior Editor. Thank you for being so encouraging and giving me great advice to run the club to the best of my abilities. Thank you to Jayden Behling for always being so excited about the Focus Magazine. You always uplifted my enthusiasm and were always ready to tackle the next project. I am so excited to work with such a talented young woman as you in the 2018-2019 school year to make next year's magazine absolutely amazing as fellow editors. Of course, I need to thank all of my officers for helping me manage this club. Katie Camden and Hannah Hatton, thank you so much for managing the contests and questionnaires; your jobs helped me immensely while creating this magazine. Dalton Avery and Averie Hayes, thank you for managing the basic of the club with keeping up with attendance and making sure the contest winners received their prizes. Jayden Behling, thank you for all of the pictures you've taken of the club this year. Raina Harmon, thank you for being our artist and creating such beautiful designs. Thank you to my members, Lennie Mangindin, Cody Camden, Chris Lemus, Cambrie Root, Seth Penry, Braydon Kiser, Xavier Lewis, Nicole Duke, Jay Hatton, Christian Rodriguez, and Emily Zoch, who helped judge the contests this year. Your contributions helped develop this magazine with fine works of writing and art to represent SHS. So much gratitude towards my fellow editor, Paula Boothman. Paula, we have been through everything together. Thank you so much for your involvement to help create this magazine. Without you, it would not have come together, and I wish you the absolute best at the University of Austin; I know you are going to do amazing things in the future, and I hope the time you've spent with Focus pays off. Mom and Dad, thank you. Even though you got frustrated with me for working on Focus when I shouldn't have, you have been so encouraging in helping my dreams for this club become a reality. Without you two as my parents and recognizing the importance of such a strong Silsbee tradition, my passion for this magazine would not be the same. It is because of you two that I love this club with all of my heart. My brother, Ross - even though you were halfway across the world in Beijing this year, you have done your best to advice me on the magazine as a past editor. With your knowledge, I have tried to make this magazine the best I could and showcase all of the talents Silsbee High School has to offer. My dog, Bella - even though you would get upset that you couldn't sit in my lap because of my laptop, you have been there every step of the way on the Focus journey. From the long nights from editing the website, to the countless number of hours typing up the winnering pieces for contests, you have truly helped me keep my sanity. To the reader - thank you. Without your support and involvement with the contests and questionnaires, there would not be a club. We fuel on student support, and it is because of all the students that we are able to showcase the wonderful talents of SHS. Luckily, I have one more year to serve as the Senior Editor for the 2018-2019 school year, and I could not be more estaic. I hope to involve even more students and showcase even more talents. Gracie Gilchriest Senior Editor

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